Toward Detecting Malicious Links in Online Social Networks through User Behavior


YEAR : 2023



It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the importance of using online social networks (OSNs) for various purposes such as marketing, education, entertainment, and business. However, OSNs also open the door for harmful activities and behaviors. Committing financial fraud and propagating malware and spam advertisements are very common criminal actions that people engage in by accessing uniform resource locators (URLs). It has been reported that advanced attackers tend to exploit human flaws rather than system flaws; thus, users are targeted in social media threats by hour. This research aims to understand the state of literature on detecting malicious URLs in OSNs, with a focus on two major aspects: URL and OSN objects. Although the literature presents these two aspects in a different context, this paper will mainly focus on their features in relation to malicious URL detection using classification methods. We firstly review three features of URLs: lexical features, hosts, and domains, then we discuss their limitations. We then introduce social spam analytics and detection models using combined features from both URLs and OSNs, particularly the use of user profiles and posts together with URL features, to enhance the detection of malicious behavior. This combination can help in understanding the interests of the user either explicitly, by stating choices in the profile, or implicitly, by analyzing the post behavior, as the spammers do not maintain a regular interest and tend to exploit events or top trend topics.


•System : Dual core.
•Hard Disk : 40 GB.
•Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
•Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
•Mouse : Logitech.
•Ram : 4 GB.


•Operating system : Windows XP/7/10/11.
•Coding Language : JAVA
•Data Base : MYSQL


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