This project aims to provide a smart way of measuring the electricity consumption in energy meters using modern electronic gadgets where the communication must be established between the user and the energy meter (which follows Modbus communication) for daily update of the consumption. To provide this communication, the unit data received from the energy meter is interfaced with the microcontroller (ARDUINO UNO) through Modbus function code technique. Additionally, RS485 TO TTL CONVERTER is used in the interface setup where it acts as a gateway between energy meter and arduino board where the values from the energy meter is converted into a suitable form understandable by the arduino uno board. The microcontroller provides two functions in which one of them involves measuring the units consumed by the user. Using arduino software application, the user can now read the values in their system which is being used by them. A service provider named GSM Module is used which is used to provide a message to the user when the user’s electricity consumption had crossed the threshold value and we monitor through to IOT
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