Smart class room with Material and Assessment

YEAR : 2022


Classroom is the representative of the modern teaching. With the advent of modern technology, it becomes easier for the students as well as teachers to perform their task more efficiently.With the aid of modern technology, it has become easier for the students and teachers across the world to get a good grasp of the theoretical as well as practical knowledge.

The smart class room with material and assessment is rectification to various problems that teacher as well as student faces inside the classroom.To make use of the modern technology for helping the teachers in utilizing more time for teaching and students to easily get access to the study material.In this project we are building a prototype of smart class room with material and assessment in which an application would be pivotal for carrying out Various operations in classroom.


Operating system : Windows XP/7/8/10

Coding Language : JAVA

Front End : NetBeans Software

Backend : MySQL


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