Zebra Line Detection and Speed Control System Using Raspberry Pi

YEAR : 2021


Nowadays, people drive in a very long time. Accidents happen regularly, and we lost our respect for creating small mistakes but driving (school sector, hospital zone, highways). Therefore, the Highways Department has marked zebra lines to avoid such accidents and to control the speed and horn noise of vehicles in such places. However, usually, there is no possibility of seeing such zebra lines and the accident or even when the driver sees zebra lines, their vehicles cannot slow down. Accidents are occurring frequently in high traffic areas. Drivers drive vigorously without carrying the traffic. Intimation for the motive force concerning speed isn’t helpful; therefore, it is done by using automatic technology with the assistance of embedded systems. This project is targeted on the “Zebra line detection and speed system using Raspberry Pi” by detecting the zebra lines within the zone. The main objective is to style a system meant for Vehicle’s speed management and horn sound in these zones, which might run on Raspberry Pi. The system used Open Computer Vision as an image processing software system to scale back the speed of the moving vehicles once it reaches the zebra lines.


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