In today’s world, no one likes to perform calculations on calculator or manually when computer is there. Everyone wants his/her work to be done by computer automatically and displaying the result for further manipulations. In the management has a large number of students who pay all the university fees through cash deposits methods of paying fees have not been efficient enough especially during periods of tests and examinations when most of the students are paying fees to meet the requirements for entering examination rooms. The process of paying fees is characterized by long queues, too much waiting by students and congestion at banks where payments are made. This has always resulted in students missing to sit for their tests and/or examinations while they are queuing to make payments. Findings showed that most of the students were unsatisfied with the current modes of paying fees to the university and agree that an online fees payment system can improve the process of fees payment. The result of the project was an online fees payment system for To implement the system that provides relief of the long endured problems of the current modes of payment at the university So this project is about providing convenience regarding fee management system.
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