- IOT Using On line impedance monitoring of transformer based on inductive coupling approach
- IOT based Smart Home Design using Power and Security Management
- Agricultural crop monitoring using IOT Android - A study
- IOT based Theft Premption and Security System
- Automation of Irrigation System based on Wi-Fi Technology and IOT Final Year Projects
- IOT based Water Supply Monitoring and Controlling System - IOT Final Year Projects
- IOT based crop field monitoring and irrigation automation - IOT Final Year Projects
- IOT Based Wireless Health Monitoring System Using Mobile Phone Accessories
- IOT based smart Environmental Monitoring System
- IoT based Monitoring and Control System for Home Automation
- A Reconfigurable Smart Sensor Interface for Industrial WSN in IoT Environment
- IOT Projects based Water Tank Monitoring and Controlling
- Internet of Things IOT Based Weather Monitoring system
- Robotic control using IOT technology
- IoT based Monitoring and Control System for Home Automation
- Smart Sensor Interface For Industrial Wsn In Iot Environment
- Automated vehicle assisted and monitoring system
- SMS based LPG gas leakage detection system using GSM
- Iot Garbage Monitoring System
- Iot Based Online Traffic Congestion Monitoring And Management System
- IOT based Smart Home Design using Power and Security Management