Estimated Weather Forecasting with Open weathermap API in Python


YEAR : 2023



The project aims to develop a web application that provides real-time weather predictions for user-specified locations. Leveraging the OpenWeather API and Flask framework, the application offers a user-friendly interface for users to input city names or locations. The system fetches up-to-date weather data from the API, including temperature, weather description, humidity, and wind speed. The application showcases the retrieved information in a visually appealing manner on the webpage. Proper error handling ensures the smooth handling of invalid inputs or API issues. The responsive design allows users to access the application from various devices. Potential extensions include multiple location support, weather forecasts, geolocation, and unit conversion options. This project aims to deliver an accessible and practical tool for users to obtain accurate weather predictions effortlessly.



•Operating System : Windows 7,8,10 (64 bit)
•Software : Python
•Tools : Anaconda (Jupyter notebook IDE)
•Hard Disk : 500GB and above
•RAM : 4GB and above
•Processor : I5 and above


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