Java is one of the world’s most important and widely used computer languages, and it has held this distinction for many years. Unlike some other computer languages whose influence has weared with passage if time, while java’s has grown.
IEEE 2015 - 2016 DATA MINING
- Malware Propagation in Large Scale Networks
- Reverse Nearest Neighbors in Unsupervised Distance-Based Outlier Detection
- Bridging the Vocabulary Gap between Health Seekers and Healthcare Knowledge
- Context-Based Diversification for Keyword Queries over XML Data
- Towards Effective Bug Triage with Software Data Reduction Techniques
- Mining weakly labeled web facial images for search based face annotation
- Best Keyword Cover Search
- Data Mining Based Crime Investigation Systems Taxonomy and Relevance
- Discovery of Ranking Fraud for Mobile Apps
- Efficient heart disease prediction system using decision tree
- Co-Extracting Opinion Targets and Opinion Words from Online Reviews Based on the Word
- Privacy Policy Inference of User-Uploaded Images on Content Sharing Sites
- Scalable Feature Selection in High-Dimensional Data Based on GRASP
- Towards Secure Cryptographic Software Implementation Against Side Channel Power
- Filtering Mechanism for Unwanted Messages on OSN User Wall Using CBMF
- Smart Crawler A Two stage Crawler for Efficiently Harvesting Deep Web Interfaces
- EMR A Scalable Graph based Ranking Model for Content based Image Retrieval
- Progressive Duplicate Detection
- On Summarization and Timeline Generation for Evolutionary Tweet Streams
- Route-Saver: Leveraging Route APIs for Accurate and Efficient Query Processing at Location-Based Services
- Structured Learning from Heterogeneous Behavior for Social Identity Linkage
- t-Closeness through Microaggregation: Strict Privacy with Enhanced Utility Preservation
- Sparsity Learning Formulations for Mining Time-Varying Data
- Contributory Broadcast Encryption with Efficient Encryption and Short Cipher texts
- Scalable Constrained Spectral Clustering
- Anonymizing Collections of Tree-Structured Data
- Security Evaluation of Pattern Classifiers under Attack
- Real-Time Detection of Traffic From Twitter Stream Analysis
- Rule-Based Method for Entity Resolution